ELUDING REALITY, New Paintings by Karen Shaw
Content: Karen’s paintings are an expression of what exists in her imagination using line, shape, color, and texture. They often reflect her life experiences or thoughts, but are mostly a subconscious
experience. She does not try to create a particular image, but lets her brush ebb and flow, eluding
reality, reaching for the unknown through her expression of art.
Karen, a retired vocal music teacher of 30 years, with a Masters in Music from CU, Boulder, grew up as a military brat, moving yearly, and living in many states in the USA, as well as Japan, Turkey and Germany. She retired from teaching and began the pursuit of
art, taking classes at the Art Students League of Denver. She left Denver in 2001 to teach vocal music in Thailand, and in 2002
relocated to Southern California where she continued to study art, painting from life, seascapes, still life and figure/portraits, for which she received many awards.